About Meconaf

Meconaf is a company with an experience in extraction systems for over 40 years in the industry and agricultural business. Concerning the agricultural industry, Meconaf is delivering installation in the flower bulb sector, potato and onion business. Our systems take care of removing the skins out of the product. By removing dust which is created by processing the mentioned agricultural products, we help making a better working environment. It also creates a higher quality end-product and less mechanical problems at the processing machinery. The extraction systems Meconaf is producing, are mobile units, cyclones and cyclone filters all for dust and skins extraction. Further on we have filter installation specially designed for agricultural dust. For companies who produce the year round, our filter installations can clean the air, so it can be returned back in to the processing area. This will save the users a lot of energy, which is important in time of high energy cost. Our systems are connected to the different parts of the processing of the product, like there are the processing of the product before storage, manual inspection, cleaning and grading of the product and packing the end product.

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